About Us
About TwistyRider.com
Thank you for visiting TwistyRider.com!
We understand shopping with a company means a lot more than it used to. When you give a company your hard-earned money, you want to know what you’re supporting by doing so. In America, you have the blessing of many freedoms, including the freedom to patronize and support companies that align with your own values, and not supporting companies that have an agenda you don’t believe in.
We want our customers to know what we stand for and believe in, so you can make an informed buying decision.
What we value as a business:
Customer Service & Commitment
Our number one priority is to provide great service to our customers. Over the last several years, we’ve noticed a significant decline in exceptional service. We strive to make your experience with us as painless as possible. Our ultimate goal is to get you on the road and riding. If you ever have questions about a product or order, please let us know. We have no business without your business!
Great Products & Value
We strive to provide you great products at a great price. We know how important quality gear is when riding, and we know how important it is to spend your money wisely. Let us know if you have any issues and we will do our best to help you out and work with our suppliers to make their products better in the future.
Passion & Community
We are fueled by our passion of motorcycles and are likewise passionate about the two-wheel lifestyle. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t be in this business. TwistyRider.com is for all riders and is meant to bring us together in one group of like-minded individuals. We enjoy all types of motorcycles and look forward to working with our fellow riders in the future. We want to share our passion with you!
We are a law enforcement owned company. Our owner and CEO spent over fourteen years as a police officer. His spirit of honor, integrity and service are the foundations of our business. We pride ourselves in being open and honest with our customers. Again: we have no business without your business and will only grow by satisfying our customers.
What we believe in:
Justice & Accountability
As mentioned, we are a law enforcement and patriot owned company. Our owner and CEO served over fourteen years in law enforcement, with most of his career working complex investigations and proactive, plain-clothes/undercover roles. We believe most of the problems we have today could be solved with a solid commitment to justice and personal accountability, which is severely lacking in many of our communities today. We’ve seen first-hand the dangerous environments that have been created by poor decision makers who have an agenda other than protecting the law-abiding citizens they were elected to serve.
American Pride & Freedom
We believe the United States of America is the greatest country in the world, and the last bastion of hope for many. We welcome legal immigration and believe all citizens should enjoy the freedoms granted to them by the Constitution. Freedom is a dream that has brought millions of people to our shores, even at great cost as they flee oppression. This “shining city upon a hill” cannot be lost, for our sake, and the sake of those looking for a better future.
Respect & Support for our First Responders & Military
We love this country and those who serve it and keep it safe. We’re tired of seeing heroes treated disgracefully by their organizations and a portion of the citizens they’ve sworn to protect. We’re tired of seeing soldiers treated poorly after doing their duty to protect this great nation, some of whom have been tossed aside because of their personal beliefs. Most citizens stand by our men and women in uniform, despite the harsh treatment of the minority. We stand with the majority and believe these heroes are our last line of defense against a type of world so many flee from to be apart of this great nation.
Family Values
We believe in traditional family values. We also believe children are our future and should be free to learn in an environment where they are taught how to think, not what to think. Parents should have a say in their child’s education and should be kept in the loop by schools on issues that involve their children – you know, because they are the kids’ parents, not the government.
TwistyRider.com is a family-owned, American company – and we’re proud of that!
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Get out there and RIDE!